Tuesday 4 January 2011

5 week count down

Today marks the 5 week count down until I am officially due with baby Number 2. We have no idea what gender we are having, nor do we really care!

But realistically, it is probably 6 weeks away given that Victoria was 10 days over cooked.

The "to-do" list is growing with things that have to be sorted and organised. When I had Victoria I didn't really "nest" as such. With this one I have bit more calendar time to organise myself, but I also have a demanding three year old to contend with.

I also have two girlfriends due within a month of me, Emily (above) is due any week now and Kaths is due a week or two after me. So if I am going to make any handmade gifts for each of them, I need to do it now!

1 comment:

Jennie said...

How lovely to have such a long stretch of pre-baby maternity leave. Hope you're thoroughly relaxed before Bubs turns up.